School Donations


The Ministry of Education provides Te Kura Whakatipu o Kawarau with core operational funding based on the number of children enrolled and the newly developed equity index (which replaces the former decile rating). Our equity index for 2024 is 407, which means that we are not eligible for additional equity-based funding per child from the Ministry.

Therefore, in order to provide extra learning opportunities and resources for our learners beyond what the Ministry provides, donations from our parent community are essential.

In recent years, your donations enabled:

  • EOTC (education outside the classroom), such as field trips and swim week

  • Visiting performers

  • Life Education Bus

  • Yearbooks/School Magazine

Requested amounts for these donations are set annually by the Board of Trustees and are voluntary and tax deductible.

Our school values of unity, belonging, and nurturing underpin our tiered approach to school donations.

Requested Amounts for 2024

Parents and caregivers can choose to donate the minimum amount requested, or if able, donate a higher amount on behalf of those families that are unable to make a donation.

Minimum requested If able, please consider
Family of 1 child $200 $300 - $500
Family of 2 children $400 $600 - $1000
Family of 3+ children $500 $750 - $1250

Please also note that the above donation does not cover costs for things such as stationery, school uniform, or some optional activities.

From time to time, there will also be additional donations requested to cover associated costs of off-site events or overnight stays.

How To Pay

For those wishing to spread the cost over the year, we encourage you to consider making your donation by regular instalments.  Please ensure you include your child’s first and last name and ‘School Donation’ as a reference.  

If you wish to discuss internet banking or automatic payment options, or to ask for a receipt, please contact the school office.

Get In Touch

Our aim is that all learners are included. If your family has genuine reasons for being unable to afford any of the school’s extra curricular activities, please contact our principal, Tania McNamara.  

If you have any other queries regarding school donations, please feel free to get in touch.